What we do
We carry out a specialist disinfection service to help with infection control and prevention in your premises. Our service can help you to maintain a high level of hygiene to help protect against infection outbreaks.
Our experienced and trained staff are equipped with the appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), respiratory protective equipment and specialist disinfection/cleaning equipment to carry out our infection control service safely and effectively.
How we do it
Areas are deep cleaned prior to disinfection fogging by our trained professionals wearing sterile disposable overalls, hats, masks, gloves and protective footwear. After deep cleaning all the high touch areas with sterilising chemicals, the areas are sealed and taped-off, ready for the disinfection fogging.
We use the (ULV) Ultra Low Volume disinfection fogging method which allows for the treatment of large areas quickly and efficiently. It involves using extremely small droplets of the disinfectant fog that settle underneath, on top of and on the sides of many objects and inaccessible areas treating the surface and the air, killing any pathogens and viruses.
After the areas are cleaned and fogged we take away all the hazardous waste (used PPE cloths etc.) created in the treating of the areas and dispose of correctly.
Please allow for at least one hour after our departure before re-entry, and also open windows for 10 minutes or so to allow for fresh air circulation.
Our services can be carried out in a number of locations/businesses
Homes/ flats
Schools / Offices
Shops and commercial properties
Residential care homes
Gyms / salons
Hotels / B&Bs